1741 Holy BIBLE Vulgate Biblia Sacra Catholic Church Pope Clement VIII RARE

Holy Bible


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A rare 18th-century Vulgate Biblia Sacra published Paris.


Published in 1741, this edition features the Old and New Testament books as well as the Apocryphal books at the end of the New Testament. It also features a memoriam of Pope Clement VIII.


Item number: #28121

Price: $599


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1741 Holy BIBLE Vulgate Biblia Sacra Catholic Church Pope Clement VIII RARE


A rare 18th-century Vulgate Biblia Sacra published Paris.


Published in 1741, this edition features the Old and New Testament books as well as the Apocryphal books at the end of the New Testament. It also features a memoriam of Pope Clement VIII.


Item number: #28121

Price: $599


Holy Bible


Biblia Sacra Vulgatae editionis Sixti V et Clementis VIII


Parisiis: Typis Jacobi Vincent, 1741.



  • Collation: Complete
    • Old Testament – 5, [3], 758
    • New Testament + Apocrypha – [2], 307, [1]
      • Includes separate half title
    • Language: Latin
    • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
    • Size: ~8.25in X 5.25in (21cm x 13.5cm)


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Holy Bible

Printing Date

18th Century





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