1540 GUNSHOT Wound Treatment Medicine Giovanni Vigo Surgery Gunpowder Poison

VIGO, Giovanni da


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Giovanni da Vigo was a 15th-century Italian physician known for his comprehensive studies in surgery, medicine, and human anatomy. His works were so widely read that they were translated into English in the early 16th-century. Not only that, but his “Practica” became the standard surgical reference for battlefield surgeons because of his attention to the treatment of gunshot wounds.


Prior to Vigo, few works were written to describe the treatment of gunshot wounds; and even though Vigo’s assessments of gunpowder were incorrect [i.e. gunpowder was poison], the influence of his study on gunshot wound therapy cannot be understated. Vigo also discussed the treatment of ulcers, syphilis, bone fractures, as well as pseudo-medical techniques like aphrodisiacs, cosmetics, and astrological-phase dietary adjustments.


This 16th-century edition of the works of Vigo was published in Lyon in the 1540s.


Item number: #28122

Price: $950


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1540 GUNSHOT Wound Treatment Medicine Giovanni Vigo Surgery Gunpowder Poison


Giovanni da Vigo was a 15th-century Italian physician known for his comprehensive studies in surgery, medicine, and human anatomy. His works were so widely read that they were translated into English in the early 16th-century. Not only that, but his “Practica” became the standard surgical reference for battlefield surgeons because of his attention to the treatment of gunshot wounds.


Prior to Vigo, few works were written to describe the treatment of gunshot wounds; and even though Vigo’s assessments of gunpowder were incorrect [i.e. gunpowder was poison], the influence of his study on gunshot wound therapy cannot be understated. Vigo also discussed the treatment of ulcers, syphilis, bone fractures, as well as pseudo-medical techniques like aphrodisiacs, cosmetics, and astrological-phase dietary adjustments.


This 16th-century edition of the works of Vigo was published in Lyon in the 1540s.


Item number: #28122

Price: $950


VIGO, Giovanni da


Opera domini Ioannis de Vigo in chyrurgia


Lugduni: Excusa per Jacobum Berionum; [Impensis vero honesti viri Anthoni Vincentij, [1540-1542].



  • Collation: 3 parts in 1
    • Part 1 – [2], iii-cclxxix leaves, [8]
      • Wanting leaf A1, which includes title
      • Wanting final leaf of table of contents
    • Part 2 – [4], li leaves
      • Wanting first leaf with title
    • Part 3 – [2], liiii-lxxxvi leaves, [4]
      • Wanting leaf LII with title
      • Wanting last leaf
    • References: USTC 147864 (this ed.)
    • Language: Latin
    • Binding: Vellum; tight and secure
    • Size: ~6.25in X 4.5in (15.5cm x 11cm)
    • VERY rare


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Medicine & Science


VIGO, Giovanni da

Printing Date

16th Century





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