1545 DUTCH & French Mysticism Margarita Evangelica of Eschius Mary I Feminism

ESCHIUS, D. Nicolao

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Nicolas van Esch (or van Ess) was a 16th-century Dutch theologian known for his spiritual exercises and philosophical writings on mysticism. This extremely rare, 1545 printing of Eschius’s ‘Margarita Evangelica’ was published in Cologne by Novesiani. This book is a Eschius’s perspective on the divine wisdom found in the Gospel. According to Davis and Farge’s “A History of Women in the West”, this work

“was among the most important precursors to French mysticism”.


Curiously, this work comes with some controversy, particularly the authorship. Some scholars believe it is a reworking of Reinalda van Eymeren’s “Evangelische Peerle”, which first appeared in 1535, though the USTC makes the authorship undeniably Eschius. Because of the relationship to female mystics, this work was regularly found in women’s religious houses, most famously in the library of Queen Mary I of England (Schutte, p.134).


According to the USTC, no examples of this book exist in any library or institution in the Western Hemisphere – an extremely rare and highly desirable work!

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1545 DUTCH & French Mysticism Margarita Evangelica of Eschius Mary I Feminism


Nicolas van Esch (or van Ess) was a 16th-century Dutch theologian known for his spiritual exercises and philosophical writings on mysticism. This extremely rare, 1545 printing of Eschius’s ‘Margarita Evangelica’ was published in Cologne by Novesiani. This book is a Eschius’s perspective on the divine wisdom found in the Gospel. According to Davis and Farge’s “A History of Women in the West”, this work

“was among the most important precursors to French mysticism”.


Curiously, this work comes with some controversy, particularly the authorship. Some scholars believe it is a reworking of Reinalda van Eymeren’s “Evangelische Peerle”, which first appeared in 1535, though the USTC makes the authorship undeniably Eschius. Because of the relationship to female mystics, this work was regularly found in women’s religious houses, most famously in the library of Queen Mary I of England (Schutte, p.134).


According to the USTC, no examples of this book exist in any library or institution in the Western Hemisphere – an extremely rare and highly desirable work!


Item number: #14247

Price: $950


ESCHIUS, D. Nicolao


Margarita evangelica, incomparabilis thesaurus diuinæ sapientiæ, in IIII. libros diuisus


Coloniae ex officina Melchioris Novesiani. M.D. XLV, [1545].



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • 654 (unpaginated)
  • References: VD16 M970; USTC 675059; Schutte, Mary I and the Art of Book Dedications;
  • Language: Latin
  • Binding: Vellum; tight & secure
  • Size: ~6.25in X 4in (16cm x 10cm)
  • Exceedingly rare


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ESCHIUS, D. Nicolao

Printing Date

16th Century





Book Condition


