1558 Valerius Maximus Dictorum et Factorum Tiberius Greek ROME Philosophy Badius
A rare 16th-century printing of Valerius’s “Dictorum et Factorum” or Historical Anecdotes. This work is a collection of short stories, sayings, and phrases, memorial to Tiberius Caesar, who was reigning during Valerius’ lifetime. These anecdotes depict ancient Greek life and philosophy as well as famous kings and Caesars. Many modern historians claim that Valerius’s work was taken from Cicero, Livy, and Sallust, as well as other ancient historians and philosophers, rather than creating original works.
However, many of the topics he writes about were controversial and unusual for the time – he wrote on homosexuality within the Roman army and the aristocracy of ancient Greece. While homosexually itself was written on, it was only considered tolerable in a ‘master-slave’ relationship; not within a public and high status sense. Other topics include omens, revenge, superstitious cults, women lawyers, modesty, crimes, and conflicting political views. Notable names mentioned in this famous work include Scipio Africanus, Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus, and Alexander the Great!
1558 Valerius Maximus Dictorum et Factorum Tiberius Greek ROME Philosophy Badius
A rare 16th-century printing of Valerius’s “Dictorum et Factorum” or Historical Anecdotes. This work is a collection of short stories, sayings, and phrases, memorial to Tiberius Caesar, who was reigning during Valerius’ lifetime. These anecdotes depict ancient Greek life and philosophy as well as famous kings and Caesars. Many modern historians claim that Valerius’s work was taken from Cicero, Livy, and Sallust, as well as other ancient historians and philosophers, rather than creating original works.
However, many of the topics he writes about were controversial and unusual for the time – he wrote on homosexuality within the Roman army and the aristocracy of ancient Greece. While homosexually itself was written on, it was only considered tolerable in a ‘master-slave’ relationship; not within a public and high status sense. Other topics include omens, revenge, superstitious cults, women lawyers, modesty, crimes, and conflicting political views. Notable names mentioned in this famous work include Scipio Africanus, Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus, and Alexander the Great!
This 1558 Venetian edition features the commentary and notes of Ascensius Badius.
Item number: #4050
Price: $950
MAXIMUS, Valerius
Valerii Maximi Moralium exemplorum libri nouem, summa diligentia castigati, Ac fidelissimis eruditissimorum uirorum Oliuerij s. Arziganensis, Iodocique Badij Ascensij commentarijs enarrati, Quibus addita sunt quatuor & viginti exempla, nuper Aldi Manutij industria inuenta, eiusdem Ascensij commentarijs exornata. Cum duplici indice, altero quidem capitum, altero vero eorum, quae toto opere notatu digna uisa sunt. Insunt praeterea Theophili viri eruditissimi perutiles Lucubrationes, quae tibi non mediocri erunt (si huius autoris uirtutes optime nosse uolueris) adiumento. Adiunctis etiam autoritatibus Liuii, Iustini, Plutarchi, Dionysii, et multorum aliorum illustrium historiographorum, quae in aliis deerant.
Venetiis: 1558.
- Collation: Complete with all leaves
- [16], 222
- Signatures: []⁸ 2[]⁴ 3[]⁴ A-2D⁸ 2E⁶.
- References: USTC 861798; Edit16 48204; not in Adams
- Language: Latin
- Binding: Leather; tight & secure
- Size: ~12.5in X 8.75in (32cm x 22cm)
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Classical Greco-Roman
MAXIMUS, Valerius
Printing Date
16th Century
Book Condition