1572 GREEK Language BIBLE Woodcuts Reformation Commentary Possel Wittenberg

POSSEL, Johannes


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Johannes Possel was a 16th-century German scholar known for his study in Greek grammar and language. During his tenure at the University of Rostock in Germany, he wrote numerous works in Greek including history of the New Testament Gospels and Pauline letters, “Evangelia et Epistolae”. This 1572 edition of Possel’s “Evangelia” was published in Wittenberg and contains dozens of impressive, woodcut engravings. The illustrations depict scenes from the New Testament with emphasis on Jesus’s life and miracles, as well as the ministry of Paul.

A beautiful Greek New Testament commentary in an exquisite binding with marbled boards!

 Item number: #27688

Price: $1500


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1572 GREEK Language BIBLE Woodcuts Reformation Commentary Possel Wittenberg


Johannes Possel was a 16th-century German scholar known for his study in Greek grammar and language. During his tenure at the University of Rostock in Germany, he wrote numerous works in Greek including history of the New Testament Gospels and Pauline letters, “Evangelia et Epistolae”.


This 1572 edition of Possel’s “Evangelia” was published in Wittenberg and contains dozens of impressive, woodcut engravings. The illustrations depict scenes from the New Testament with emphasis on Jesus’s life and miracles, as well as the ministry of Paul.


A beautiful Greek New Testament commentary in an exquisite binding with marbled boards!


Item number: #27688

Price: $1500


POSSEL, Johannes


Evangelia Et Epistolae, Qvae Diebus Dominicis Et Festis Sanctorum in Ecclesia, vsitato more, proponi solent


Wittenberg: [excudebat Johann Krafft (I)], 1572.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • Unpaginated
    • 62 woodcut engravings
  • Language: Greek / Latin
  • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
  • Size: ~6.5in X 4in (16cm x 10cm)
  • VERY rare and desirable


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POSSEL, Johannes

Printing Date

16th Century





Book Condition


