1586 AQUINAS Summa Theologica Medieval Bible Philosophy Catholic Hunnaeus 5v



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“The truth can be perceived only through thinking”

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica


A rare 16th-century printing of the famous “Summa Theologica” by Thomas Aquinas. This work is considered Aquinas’

“most perfect work, the fruit of his mature years, in which the thought of his whole life is condensed”. (Perrier, 149).

Summa’ makes references to many great thinkers and philosophers who were important during Aquinas’s time – these include Paul the Apostle, Aristotle, Peter Lombard, Cicero, and Saint Augustine.


‘Summa’ makes many strong arguments about theology and lawful living including:

  • Theology is the source of divine knowledge and transcends human reason
  • The existence of God, God is not a metaphor
  • Unbelief is the worst of all sins; original sin is unavoidable
  • Collecting interest on loans is unlawful
  • Just price theory – selling something for more/less of its value is unlawful
  • Being a monk is greater than being married
  • Martyrs, teachers, and virgins receive special crowns in heaven


This incredibly rare 16th-century edition includes the famous commentary of Augustinus Hunnaeus which makes this edition considerably larger than other 16th-century editions of ‘Summa’.


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1586 AQUINAS Summa Theologica Medieval Bible Philosophy Catholic Hunnaeus 5v


“The truth can be perceived only through thinking”

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica


A rare 16th-century printing of the famous “Summa Theologica” by Thomas Aquinas. This work is considered Aquinas’

“most perfect work, the fruit of his mature years, in which the thought of his whole life is condensed”. (Perrier, 149).

Summa’ makes references to many great thinkers and philosophers who were important during Aquinas’s time – these include Paul the Apostle, Aristotle, Peter Lombard, Cicero, and Saint Augustine.


‘Summa’ makes many strong arguments about theology and lawful living including:

  • Theology is the source of divine knowledge and transcends human reason
  • The existence of God, God is not a metaphor
  • Unbelief is the worst of all sins; original sin is unavoidable
  • Collecting interest on loans is unlawful
  • Just price theory – selling something for more/less of its value is unlawful
  • Being a monk is greater than being married
  • Martyrs, teachers, and virgins receive special crowns in heaven


This incredibly rare 16th-century edition includes the famous commentary of Augustinus Hunnaeus which makes this edition considerably larger than other 16th-century editions of ‘Summa’.


Item number: #26046

Price: $2950




Summa theologiae S. Thomae Aquinatis cum optimis quibusque exemplaribus collata, ac à doctissimis viris nunc rursus Romae recognita, & quamplurimis notationibus in margine cum ex iure canonico, tùm ex concilijs aucta & illustrata


Romae: In aedibvs popvli Romani, apvd Georgivm Ferrarivm, 1586-1587.



  • Collation: 5 volumes
    • ‘Prima Pars’ – [28], 854, [2]
      • Wanting first several leaves of preface
    • ‘Prima Secundae Partis’ – [24], 853, [1]
    • ‘Secunda Secundae Partis’ – [36], 1349, [1]
    • ‘Tertia Pars’ – [24], 783 (i.e., 815), [1]
    • ‘Supplementum ad Tertiam Partem’ – [24], 656
  • References: Perrier, J.L, The Revival of Scholastic Philosophy; USTC 162201
  • Language: Latin
  • Binding: Vellum; tight and secure
  • Size: ~7.25in X 5in (18cm x 13cm)
  • VERY RARE and desirable


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Printing Date

16th Century





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