1590 POPES Lives Platina Catholic Church Sacchi Italian Panvinio Venice Medici

SACCHI, Bartolomea [Platina]

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Bartolomeo Sacchi, or Platina, was a 15th-century Italian humanist who is most remembered for his book ‘Vitae Pontificum,’ or ‘Lives of the Popes.’ ‘Lives’ was an important work dedicated to the papacy of important Catholic popes, but Platina wrote the work through the lens of Roman history with obvious themes of paganism. This book was the first systematic handbook on papal history and praises the punishment of heresy throughout the Catholic Church.


This 1590 edition of Platina was published in Venice by Girolamo Polo. This edition is notable for being revised and edited by Onofrio Panvinio.

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1590 POPES Lives Platina Catholic Church Sacchi Italian Panvinio Venice Medici


Bartolomeo Sacchi, or Platina, was a 15th-century Italian humanist who is most remembered for his book ‘Vitae Pontificum,’ or ‘Lives of the Popes.’ ‘Lives’ was an important work dedicated to the papacy of important Catholic popes, but Platina wrote the work through the lens of Roman history with obvious themes of paganism. This book was the first systematic handbook on papal history and praises the punishment of heresy throughout the Catholic Church.


This 1590 edition of Platina was published in Venice by Girolamo Polo. This edition is notable for being revised and edited by Onofrio Panvinio.


Item number: #13557

Price: $950


SACCHI, Bartolomea [Platina]


Battista Platina delle vite de’pontefici : dal Saluator del mondo Giesv Christo sino a Paolo II : con l’aggionta delle vite de gli altri Pontefici, da Sisto Quarto sino a Sisto Quinto, scritte da Honofrio Panuinio, e da diuersi altri Authori, come al suo luoco si vede.


In Venetia : Appresso Girolamo Polo, 1590.



  • Collation: Complete
    • [1], 2-574, [2]
  • References: USTC 807532
  • Language: Italian
  • Binding: Vellum; tight & secure
  • Size: ~8in X 6.5in (20cm x 16.5cm)


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Classical Greco-Roman



SACCHI, Bartolomea [Platina]

Printing Date

16th Century





Book Condition


