1642 Peter Heylyn Help to English History England Kings Bishops Geography RARE

HEYLYN, Peter [pseud. Robert Hall]


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Most known for his “Cosmographia,” Peter Heylin, or Heylyn, was a 17th-century English author who wrote numerous works on English politics and history. One of his lesser-known books, but perhaps most important, was his book ‘Herologia Anglorum’, or ‘A Help to English History’. In this book, Baxter provides chronological details on bishops, kings, and royal lines of England and Great Britain, as well as noting geographic measures of the places where each of the kings reigned.


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1642 Peter Heylyn Help to English History England Kings Bishops Geography RARE


Most known for his “Cosmographia,” Peter Heylin, or Heylyn, was a 17th-century English author who wrote numerous works on English politics and history. One of his lesser-known books, but perhaps most important, was his book ‘Herologia Anglorum’, or ‘A Help to English History’. In this book, Baxter provides chronological details on bishops, kings, and royal lines of England and Great Britain, as well as noting geographic measures of the places where each of the kings reigned.


Item number: #20305

Price: $950


HEYLYN, Peter [pseud. Robert Hall]


Hērōlogia Anglorum, or, A help to English history : containing a succession of all the kings of England, and the English Saxons, the kings and princes of Wales, the kings and lords of Man, and the Isle of Wight


London : Printed for R. Cotes, for Abel Roper, 1642.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • [4], 379, [1]
    • Note: This edition lacks numbered leaves (i.e. mispaginated) 205-240; however, other examples of this same edition lack the same leaves. This edition is complete as originally published.
  • Language: English
  • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
  • Size: ~5.75in X 3.25in (14.5cm x 8.5cm)


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European History


HEYLYN, Peter [pseud. Robert Hall]

Printing Date

17th Century





Book Condition


