1643 1ed Barlaam & Josaphat Martyrs Buddha John of Damascus Syria Buddhism Billy

BILLY, Jacques de


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Jacques de Billy de Prunay was a 16th-century Benedictine monk and historian who wrote a rather unique history of the lives and ministries of Saint John of Damascus and Saint Barlaam and Josaphat. The story of Barlaam and Josaphat has long been associated with legend of Buddha, conversions to Christianity, and early Sanskrit history. 17th-century printings of any Barlaam and Josaphat story are rare and desirable, and this 1643 edition from Billy de Prunay is no exception.


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1643 1ed Barlaam & Josaphat Martyrs Buddha John of Damascus Syria Buddhism Billy


Jacques de Billy de Prunay was a 16th-century Benedictine monk and historian who wrote a rather unique history of the lives and ministries of Saint John of Damascus and Saint Barlaam and Josaphat. The story of Barlaam and Josaphat has long been associated with legend of Buddha, conversions to Christianity, and early Sanskrit history. 17th-century printings of any Barlaam and Josaphat story are rare and desirable, and this 1643 edition from Billy de Prunay is no exception.


Item number: #23014

Price: $550


BILLY, Jacques de


  1. Ioannis Damasceni Historia de vitis et rebus gestis SS. Barlaam eremitae, & Iosaphat Indiae regis, Iacobo Billio Prunaeo


Coloniae Agrippinæ: Apud Iodocvm Kalcoven, 1643.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • 462, [6]
  • Language: Latin
  • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
  • Size: ~5.25in X 3.25in (13cm x 8cm)


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BILLY, Jacques de

Printing Date

17th Century





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