1647 1ed Presbyterian Nathaniel Hardy Bible Sermon Licentious Libertie English

HARDY, Nathaniel

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Nathaniel Hardy was a 17th-century English preacher who notably preached his sermons in front of Presbyterian congregations. One such sermon, ‘Arraignment of Licentious Liberty’, was a sermon given in 1646, and happened to be the first of his sermons published into book form. In this sermon, Hardy relates freedom from oppression of worldly tyrants to freedom through Christ.

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1647 1ed Presbyterian Nathaniel Hardy Bible Sermon Licentious Libertie English


Nathaniel Hardy was a 17th-century English preacher who notably preached his sermons in front of Presbyterian congregations. One such sermon, ‘Arraignment of Licentious Liberty’, was a sermon given in 1646, and happened to be the first of his sermons published into book form. In this sermon, Hardy relates freedom from oppression of worldly tyrants to freedom through Christ.


Item number: #8803

Price: $599


HARDY, Nathaniel


The arraignment of licentious libertie, and oppressing tyrannie. In a sermon preached before the right honourable House of Peeres, in the Abbey-church at Westminster, on the day of their solemn monethly fast, Febr. 24. 1646.


London: Printed by T.R. and E.M. for Nat. Webb and Wil. Grantham, at the signe of the Greyhound in Pauls church-yard., 1647. First edition.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • [8], 42, [2]
  • References: Wing H 709; Thomason E.377
  • Language: English
  • Binding: Leather; tight & secure
  • Size: ~8in X 6.25in (20cm x 16cm)
  • Very rare


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HARDY, Nathaniel

Printing Date

17th Century





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