1650 German BAROQUE SATIRE Philanders von Sittewald Moscherosch Thirty Years War
Johann Michael Moscherosch’s Wunderliche und warhafftige Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald gained recognition as a prominent 17th-century, Baroque-era satire, weaving moral critique into a panorama of social observation. Written during the Thirty Years’ War and heavily influenced by the works of Francisco de Quevedo, Moscherosch’s work highlights shifting attitudes toward faith and nobility, as well as the era’s fascination with fashion and outward appearances. Across fourteen allegorical visions, the persona Philander von Sittewald uncovers the vices of bureaucracy, academia, warfare, and commerce.
In this second volume, Moscherosch broadens his commentary by emphasizing the hypocrisy of judicial systems, the illusions of vanity, and the reckoning of ultimate judgment.
Item number: #26002
Price: $599
1650 German BAROQUE SATIRE Philanders von Sittewald Moscherosch Thirty Years’ War Francisco de Quevedo
Johann Michael Moscherosch’s Wunderliche und warhafftige Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald gained recognition as a prominent 17th-century, Baroque-era satire, weaving moral critique into a panorama of social observation. Written during the Thirty Years’ War and heavily influenced by the works of Francisco de Quevedo, Moscherosch’s work highlights shifting attitudes toward faith and nobility, as well as the era’s fascination with fashion and outward appearances. Across fourteen allegorical visions, the persona Philander von Sittewald uncovers the vices of bureaucracy, academia, warfare, and commerce.
In this second volume, Moscherosch broadens his commentary by emphasizing the hypocrisy of judicial systems, the illusions of vanity, and the reckoning of ultimate judgment. Part II contains seven allegorical visions:
- The Soldier’s Life (Das Soldatenleben): Offering a raw depiction of military existence, this vision underscores the brutality and moral degradation inherent in a soldier’s life during wartime.
- The Merchant’s Dream (Der Kaufmannstraum): Philander delves into the world of commerce, revealing the greed and deceit that often underpin mercantile endeavors.
- The Peasant’s Fate (Das Bauernschicksal): This vision sheds light on the plight of the common folk, emphasizing their exploitation and the societal structures that perpetuate their suffering.
- The Vanity Fair (Der Eitelkeitsmarkt): A bustling marketplace showcases individuals trading in vanity and superficiality, critiquing society’s obsession with appearances over substance.
- The Hypocrites’ Parade (Der Heuchlerumzug): Philander witnesses a procession of hypocrites, exposing the duplicity and moral contradictions prevalent among societal elites.
- The Miser’s Treasure (Der Geizhalsschatten): This vision portrays the empty existence of misers, illustrating how the hoarding of wealth leads to spiritual impoverishment.
- The Final Judgment (Das jüngste Gericht): Culminating the series, Philander envisions the Last Judgment, serving as a sobering reminder of ultimate accountability and the transient nature of earthly concerns.
Item number: #26002
Price: $599
MOSCHEROSCH, Johann Michael
Wunderliche und warhafftige Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald das ist Straff-Schrifften Hanss-Michael Moscherosch von Wilstädt. Ander Thiel.
Strassburg: Bey Johan-Philipp. Mülben und Josias Städeln, 1650.
- Collation: Complete; Volume 2
- [16], 858
- Reference(s): Bechtold 19-E; Dünnhaupt 2849, 2852; Faber du Faur 425; Goedeke III 234, 9; Hayn-Gotendorf VI, 332; Manheimer 263
- Language: German
- Binding: Vellum; tight and secure
- Visible wear at pgs. 507-520, 589-680, 713-743
- Size: ~6.5in X 3.75in (16.5cm x 9.5cm)
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European History
MOSCHEROSCH, Johann Michael
Printing Date
17th Century
Book Condition