1664 RARE 1st ed John Barclay Satyricon Gunpowder Plot Jesuit Satire Morisot


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John Barclay was an early 17th-century Scottish poet and author remembered for works such as ‘Argenis’ and ‘Satyricon’. Many of Barclay’s works were satirical in nature, most notably ‘Satyricon’, which was written over the course of ten years at the start of the 17th-century. The last two parts were given separate titles and were not written as part of the original ‘Satyricon’; however, they are now considered to be part of the work.

  • ‘Satyricon’ – “a comic novel” (Fleming); a severe satire on Jesuits, medical doctors, education, and literature
  • ‘Apologia Euphomionis pro se’ – a response to Jesuit attacks
  • ‘Icon Animorum’ – a description of the character and mannerisms of various European nations and cultures
    • “A masterly description of the manners of several nations of Europe in the beginning of the 18th-century, with remarks moral and philosophical on the various tempers of men.” (Lowndes)

This 1667 edition features an fifth part entitled ‘Alithophili…Lusinini Continuatio’ which is by C.B. Morisot.


It should be noted, that while none of the work titles reference the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 itself, Barclay was highly critical of the Jesuits in the Jesuit Treason and includes an account of the Gunpowder Plot at the end of ‘Satyricon’. (Lowndes).

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1664 RARE 1st ed John Barclay Satyricon Gunpowder Plot Jesuit Satire Morisot


John Barclay was an early 17th-century Scottish poet and author remembered for works such as ‘Argenis’ and ‘Satyricon’. Many of Barclay’s works were satirical in nature, most notably ‘Satyricon’, which was written over the course of ten years at the start of the 17th-century. The last two parts were given separate titles and were not written as part of the original ‘Satyricon’; however, they are now considered to be part of the work.

  • ‘Satyricon’ – “a comic novel” (Fleming); a severe satire on Jesuits, medical doctors, education, and literature
  • ‘Apologia Euphomionis pro se’ – a response to Jesuit attacks
  • ‘Icon Animorum’ – a description of the character and mannerisms of various European nations and cultures
    • “A masterly description of the manners of several nations of Europe in the beginning of the 18th-century, with remarks moral and philosophical on the various tempers of men.” (Lowndes)


It should be noted, that while none of the work titles reference the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 itself, Barclay was highly critical of the Jesuits in the Jesuit Treason and includes an account of the Gunpowder Plot at the end of ‘Satyricon’. (Lowndes).


Item number: #5752

Price: $499




Evphormionis Lusinini sive Ioannis Barclaii satyricon partes quinque : cum clavi. Accessit Conspiratio Anglicana.


Amstelodami, : ex officina Elizei Weyerstraeten, 1664. First edition.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • [10], 573, [1]
    • Signatures: [*]6, A-2Z12, 2A-B6
  • References: Fleming, Barclay’s ‘Satyricon’; Lowndes 112
  • Language: Latin
  • Binding: Leather; tight & secure
  • Size: ~5in X 3in (13cm x 8cm)


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European History




Printing Date

17th Century





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