1686 Council of Trent Catholic Church Popes Paul III Canon Law Chanut Paris
Martial Chanut’s treatise on the Council of Trent was an important work of Chanut’s attempts at bringing understanding to Europe’s confusion on Protestant reforms. He does so by providing details on the major sessions of the Council of Trent. This third edition, published in 1686, features three portrait engravings of Popes Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV.
Item number: #27620
Price: $499
1686 Council of Trent Catholic Church Popes Paul III Canon Law Chanut Paris
Martial Chanut’s treatise on the Council of Trent was an important work of Chanut’s attempts at bringing understanding to Europe’s confusion on Protestant reforms. He does so by providing details on the major sessions of the Council of Trent. This third edition, published in 1686, features three portrait engravings of Popes Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV.
Item number: #27620
Price: $499
CHANUT, Martial
Le Saint concile de Trente oecuménique et général célébré sous Paul III, Jules III et Pie IV
Paris: Chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1686.
- Collation: Complete with all pages
- [42], 458, [50]
- Includes all 3 portrait engravings
- Language: French
- Binding: Leather; tight and secure
- Size: ~6.75in X 4in (17cm x 10cm)
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CHANUT, Martial
Printing Date
17th Century
Book Condition