1687 Spelman Glossary Archaiologicum English LAW Philology Language Dugdale BEST


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Sir Henry Spelman was a 17th-century English antiquarian known for his collections of records. He was, according to Woolf,

“deeply interested in ecclesiastical history and was a zealous defender of the Church’s rights.

Spelman’s 1626 ‘Glossarium Archaiologicum’ was one of the best and most important works on philological sciences in England (per DNB). It was written as a dictionary of early legal and historical terms, and, according to Holdsworth, “the greatest” of its kind. Holdworth continues by saying:

“It is a great deal more than a law dictionary, being a dictionary of Latin and other words to be found in all the post-classical authors and documents English and foreign. In fact it is a product of that new school of historians and historically minded lawyers”


It laid the foundation for Spelman’s later works on English law and history. This 1687 printing is considered the best edition of the work, a work which was edited and supplemented by William Dugdale, famed English antiquarian.

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1687 Spelman Glossary Archaiologicum English LAW Philology Language Dugdale BEST


Sir Henry Spelman was a 17th-century English antiquarian known for his collections of records. He was, according to Woolf,

“deeply interested in ecclesiastical history and was a zealous defender of the Church’s rights.

Spelman’s 1626 ‘Glossarium Archaiologicum’ was one of the best and most important works on philological sciences in England (per DNB). It was written as a dictionary of early legal and historical terms, and, according to Holdsworth, “the greatest” of its kind. Holdworth continues by saying:

“It is a great deal more than a law dictionary, being a dictionary of Latin and other words to be found in all the post-classical authors and documents English and foreign. In fact it is a product of that new school of historians and historically minded lawyers”


It laid the foundation for Spelman’s later works on English law and history. This 1687 printing is considered the best edition of the work, a work which was edited and supplemented by William Dugdale, famed English antiquarian.


Item number: #13380

Price: $750




Glossarium archaiologicum : continens latino-barbara, peregrina, obsoleta, & novatæ significationis vocabula, quæ post labefactatas a gothis, vandalisque res Europæas, in ecclesiasticis, profanisque scriptoribus, variarum item gentium legibus antiquis municipalibus, chartis, & formulis occurrunt, scholiis & commentariis illustrata, in quibus prisci ritus quam-plurimi, magistratus, dignitates, munera, officia, mores, leges ipsæ, &c. consuetudines enarrantur


Londini : Excudebat Tho. Braddyll, & prostant apud Richard. Wilde …, 1687.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • [22], 576
  • References: Wing S 4926; Lowndes 2474; Holdsworth, A History of English Law V:402
  • Language: Latin
  • Binding: Leather; tight & secure
  • Size: ~14.25in X 9.25in (36.5cm x 23.5cm)


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Law & Government

Language Study & Reference



Printing Date

17th Century





Book Condition


