1691 1ed Gronovius Numismatics Coins Precious Metals Silver Classical Archeology

Joannes Fredericus Gronovius

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A rare scientific treaty on antique coins and precious metals. It contains studies of coins and methods for counting money. In addition to those studies, it includes various other works including writings on Caesar, Cicero, Hugo Grotius, and more!

Johann Friedrich Gronovius (1611 – 1671) was a German classical scholar, librarian and critic.

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1691 Gronovius Roman Coins Numismatics Sestertius Leiden Greek Latin Philology


A rare scientific treaty on antique coins and precious metals. It contains studies of coins and methods for counting money. In addition to those studies, it includes various other works including writings on Caesar, Cicero, Hugo Grotius, and more!

Johann Friedrich Gronovius (1611 – 1671) was a German classical scholar, librarian and critic.

Main author: Joannes Fredericus Gronovius

Title: Joh. Frederici Gronovii De sestertiis, seu, Subsecivorum pecuniæ veteris Græcæ & Romanæ libri IV : accesserunt L. Volusius Mæcianus JC & Balbus Mensor De asse, Pascasii Grosippi Tabulæ nummariæ, Mantisss & tres [antexegeseis] de foenore unciario & centesimis usuris, item de hyperpyro, Salmasii epistola, & ad eam responsio, [logarike palaia kai nea], Græca & Latine.

Published: Lugduni Batavorum : Ex officina Joannis Du Vivié, 1691.

Language: Latin

Notes & contents:

  • 1st edition
  • Includes multiple other titles with half-title pages
    • Diatribe in Statii poetœ Sylvas, la Haye, 1637, in-8°. Cet écrit lui a mérité une place parmi les érudits précoces, et l’engagea malgré lui dans une querelle avec Cruceius. Celui-ci l’attaqua, caché sous le nom de Mercurius frondator ; Gronovius lui répliqua par Elenchus anti-diatribes Mercurii frondatoris, Paris, 1640, in-12. Les pièces de cette querelle, devenues très rares, ont été reproduites par les soins de M. Ferdinand Handius, Leipzig, 1811, 2 vol. in-8°.
    • De sestertiis sive subsecivorum pecuniœ veteris Grœcœ et Romanœ libri IV, Deventer, 1643, in-4° ; Amsterdam, 1656, in-8° ; Leyde, 1691, in-4° : ouvrage savant et estimé sur le système monétaire et pondéral des anciens Romains. La dernière édition, due à Jakob Gronovius, est augmentée de plusieurs morceaux intéressants (dont l’édition du traité antique de Lucius Volusius Maecianus sur les divisions de l’as).
    • 2) Flora Virginica
    • Observationum libri IV. Les trois premiers livres parurent d’abord à Deventer, 1662, in-12. Frédéric Plainer en donna une bonne édition, augmentée du quatrième livre, Leipzig, 1785, in-8°.
    • Laudatio funebris Joann. Golii, Leyde, 1668, in-8° ;
    • De Musœo Alexandrino exercitationes academicae. Elles ont été insérées dans le tome 8 du Thesaurus antiquitatum Grœcarum ;
    • Lectiones Plautinœ, quibus non tantum fabulœ Plautinœ, et Terentianœ ; verum etiant Cœsar, Cicero, Livius illustrantur, Amsterdam, in -8° ; recueil d’observations critiques très estimées, et qu’on joint au Plaute Variorum. Cette édition est précédée d’une vie de l’auteur.
    • Notes sur le traité de Hugo Grotius De jure belli et pacis.


Wear: wear as seen in photos

Binding: tight and secure vellum binding

Pages: complete with all 766 pages; plus indexes, prefaces, and such

Publisher: Lugduni Batavorum : Ex officina Joannis Du Vivié, 1691.

Size: ~9.25in X 7.25in (23cm x 18cm)



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Johann Friedrich Gronovius (the Latinized form of Gronow; September 8, 1611 – December 28, 1671) was a German classical scholar, librarian and critic.

Born in Hamburg, he studied at several universities and travelled in England, France and Italy. In 1643, he was appointed professor of rhetoric and history at Deventer, and in 1658 to the Greek chair at Leiden, where he remained until his death. In 1665, Gronovius succeeded Antonius Thysius the Younger as the 6th Librarian of Leiden University (see also Raffaello Fabretti).

Gronovius edited and annotated Statius, Plautus, Livy, Tacitus, Aulus Gellius and Seneca’s tragedies. In addition, he was the author of Commentarius de sestertiis (1643) and of an edition of Hugo Grotius’s De jure belli et pacis (1660), amongst numerous other works. His Observationes contain a number of brilliant emendations. His son Jakob Gronovius was also a classical scholar.


Classical Greco-Roman

Law & Government

European History



Joannes Fredericus Gronovius

Printing Date

17th Century





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