1758 Battle Tactics 1ed WAR Infantry & Cavalry Formation Illustrated Le Blond

Le BLOND, Guillaume


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Guillaume le Blond’s 18th-century military handbooks are some of the most desirable books of their kind! Le Blond, a French mathematician and military expert, published books on fortifications, artillery, military camp design, and battle tactics.


His book “Elements of Tactics” is a survey of the history and development of troop formation and battle tactics. He describes the positioning of infantry and cavalry, as well as the principal orders that officers give. It also includes a section on castrametation, or the establishment of rules at base camp.


These dozens of full-page and folding illustrations found in this 1758 first edition make it an absolute treasure. Few works have such impressive views, especially with regard to military formation and battle tactics.


Item number: #27967

Price: $750



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1758 Battle Tactics 1ed WAR Infantry & Cavalry Formation Illustrated Le Blond


Guillaume le Blond’s 18th-century military handbooks are some of the most desirable books of their kind! Le Blond, a French mathematician and military expert, published books on fortifications, artillery, military camp design, and battle tactics.


His book “Elements of Tactics” is a survey of the history and development of troop formation and battle tactics. He describes the positioning of infantry and cavalry, as well as the principal orders that officers give. It also includes a section on castrametation, or the establishment of rules at base camp.


These dozens of full-page and folding illustrations found in this 1758 first edition make it an absolute treasure. Few works have such impressive views, especially with regard to military formation and battle tactics.


Item number: #27967

Price: $750


Le BLOND, Guillaume


Élémens de tactique, ouvrage dans lequel on traite de l’arrangement & de la formation des troupes


Paris: chez Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1758. First edition.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • xxviii, 475, [1]
    • 40 folding plates + folding plan “Ordre de Bataille”
  • Provenance: Handwritten
    • Royal Engineers of Ireland
    • Charles Wright, Lieutenant Royal Engineer, 1814
  • Language: French
  • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
  • Size: ~10.5in X 8.25in (26.5cm x 21cm)
  • Quite rare and desirable


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Military & War


Le BLOND, Guillaume

Printing Date

18th Century





Book Condition


