1772 Medicine & Surgery De Medicina CELSUS Pharmacy Health Diet Wine Latin RARE

CELSUS, Aulus Cornelius


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“Live in rooms full of light. Avoid heavy food. Be moderate in the drinking of wine. Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics. Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water. Change surroundings and take long journeys. Strictly avoid frightening ideas. Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements. Listen to music.”

Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina


A rare edition of Celsus’s ‘De Medicina’ printed in Paris in 1772.


This famous medical book is considered one of the earliest reliable sources on pharmaceuticals and diet as it pertains to healthy living. Celsus lived in the 1st-century BC and is remembered solely for this work and the legacy it has left. This edition was translated by Joseph Valart.


Item number: #28159

Price: $499


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1772 Medicine & Surgery De Medicina CELSUS Pharmacy Health Diet Wine Latin RARE


“Live in rooms full of light. Avoid heavy food. Be moderate in the drinking of wine. Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics. Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water. Change surroundings and take long journeys. Strictly avoid frightening ideas. Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements. Listen to music.”

Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina


A rare edition of Celsus’s ‘De Medicina’ printed in Paris in 1772.


This famous medical book is considered one of the earliest reliable sources on pharmaceuticals and diet as it pertains to healthy living. Celsus lived in the 1st-century BC and is remembered solely for this work and the legacy it has left. This edition was translated by Joseph Valart.


Item number: #28159

Price: $499


CELSUS, Aulus Cornelius


  1. Cornelii Celsi De re medica libri octo : ex fide manuscriptorum codicum & vetustissimorum librorum


Parisiis: Apud P. Fr. Didot Juniorem, 1772.



  • Collation: Complete with all pages
    • xx, 553, [3]
  • Language: Latin
  • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
  • Size: ~6.75in X 3.75in (17cm x 9.5cm)


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Medicine & Science


CELSUS, Aulus Cornelius

Printing Date

18th Century





Book Condition


