1778 DUTCH ART Lairesse Art of Painting Schilderbock Architecture Illustrated

LAIRESSE, Gerard de


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Gerard de Lairesse was a 17th-century Dutch painter and art historian known for his treatises on painting. His best and most important work was ‘Het groot schilderboeck’, or “Great Book of Painting”. In this book, Lairesse distinguishes between the most important aspects of Dutch Golden Age painting in which he criticizes the increased use of realism. This book became popular throughout Europe, including English-speaking countries with editions such as this 1778 London printing, titled ‘The Art of Painting’.


Lairesse includes lessons on light and shadow, shading, painting accurate landscapes, portraiture and human form, architecture and perspective, and a curious section on ceiling murals! The full-page engravings throughout this work make it a highly desirable printing of the art of painting!



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1778 DUTCH ART Lairesse Art of Painting Schilderbock Architecture Illustrated


Gerard de Lairesse was a 17th-century Dutch painter and art historian known for his treatises on painting. His best and most important work was ‘Het groot schilderboeck’, or “Great Book of Painting”. In this book, Lairesse distinguishes between the most important aspects of Dutch Golden Age painting in which he criticizes the increased use of realism. This book became popular throughout Europe, including English-speaking countries with editions such as this 1778 London printing, titled ‘The Art of Painting’.


Lairesse includes lessons on light and shadow, shading, painting accurate landscapes, portraiture and human form, architecture and perspective, and a curious section on ceiling murals! The full-page engravings throughout this work make it a highly desirable printing of the art of painting!


Item number: #26578

Price: $750


LAIRESSE, Gerard de


The art of painting, in all its branches, methodically demonstrated by discourses and plates


London: S. Vandenbergh, 1778.



  • Collation:
    • [18], 504
    • 70 full-page plates (with 72 engravings) throughout (including engraved title page)
  • Language: English
  • Binding: Leather; tight and secure
  • Size: ~9.75in X 7.5in (24.5cm x 19cm)


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Arts & Architecture


LAIRESSE, Gerard de

Printing Date

18th Century





Book Condition
