1805 Japanese Samurai Mythology Fox Spirits Demons Illustrated Siren 3 Dynasties

Takai Ranzan (高井蘭山)

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A rare, 19th century Japanese woodblock print of “Tale of the Siren of Three Dynasties”. “Ehon Sangoku Yōfuden” was written by Takai Ranzan and illustrated by Teisai Hokuba. This book is about the Japanese mythological figure Tamamo-no-Mae, a legendary fox spirit in Japanese mythology, who was a courtesan under the 12th century Emperor Konoe of Japan. The artist, Teisai Hokuba, was one of Hokusai’s best disciples.


This rare, handwritten biography is written in a column handwritten format with furigana for easier reading and includes illustrations of scenery, ships, samurai, fox hunts, fox demons, deaths, court meetings, and more!

Original price was: $750.00.Current price is: $650.00.

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1805 Japanese Samurai Mythology Fox Spirits Demons Illustrated Siren 3 Dynasties


A rare, 19th century Japanese woodblock print of “Tale of the Siren of Three Dynasties”. “Ehon Sangoku Yōfuden” was written by Takai Ranzan and illustrated by Teisai Hokuba. This book is about the Japanese mythological figure Tamamo-no-Mae, a legendary fox spirit in Japanese mythology, who was a courtesan under the 12th century Emperor Konoe of Japan. The artist, Teisai Hokuba, was one of Hokusai’s best disciples.


This rare, handwritten biography is written in a column handwritten format with furigana for easier reading and includes illustrations of scenery, ships, samurai, fox hunts, fox demons, deaths, court meetings, and more!


Item number: #16608

Price: $750


Takai Ranzan (高井蘭山)


Tale of the Siren of Three Dynasties (Ehon Sangoku Yōfuden) 絵本三国妖婦伝(えほんさんごくようふでん)


[Kyōto: Bunka 2 1805]



  • Collation: Complete with all pages; 5 volumes
  • References:
    • Iwanami, Kokusho So Mokuroku 111966;
    • Waseda University # F 13 02892
    • Keio University, Japanese Culture Through Rare Books
  • Language: Japanese
  • Binding: Softcover; tight and secure
  • Size: ~9in X 6.25in (22.5cm x 16cm)
  • Very rare and desirable


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Asia, Africa, & Middle Eastern



Takai Ranzan (高井蘭山)

Printing Date

19th Century





Book Condition


