1865 SHERMAN 1ed Great March Civil War Georgia Carolina Nichols Illustrated MAP
“The Story of the Great March” originally appeared in official letters from the commander to the New York Evening Post until it was later published in 1865 in both the US and the UK. Author George Nichols records his time as aide to Major General William T. Sherman and the march through Georgia to take Atlanta in the book ‘The Story of the Great March.’ Nichols includes topics on:
- Burning of Atlanta
- Storming of Fort McAllister
- Occupation of Charleston and Augusta Railroad
- General Sherman and Black Soldiers
- Destruction of rebel Artillery and Supplies
- Battle of Averysboro
- Battle of Bentonville
This 1865 edition includes 19 illustrations throughout!
1865 1ed SHERMAN Great March Civil War Georgia Carolina Nichols Illustrated MAP
“The Story of the Great March” originally appeared in official letters from the commander to the New York Evening Post until it was later published in 1865 in both the US and the UK. Author George Nichols records his time as aide to Major General William T. Sherman and the march through Georgia to take Atlanta in the book ‘The Story of the Great March.’ Nichols includes topics on:
- Burning of Atlanta
- Storming of Fort McAllister
- Occupation of Charleston and Augusta Railroad
- General Sherman and Black Soldiers
- Destruction of rebel Artillery and Supplies
- Battle of Averysboro
- Battle of Bentonville
This 1865 edition includes 19 illustrations throughout!
Item number: #15907
Price: $499
NICHOLS, George Ward
The Story of the Great March from the Diary of a Staff Officer.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1865. First Edition.
- Collation: Complete with all pages
- xii, 394, [2]
- 19 illustrations, w/ folding map
- References: Nevins I 137
- Provenance: Handwritten – Mary N. Burleigh
- Language: English
- Binding: Hardcover; tight and secure
- Cloth
- Size: ~7.5n X 5.25in (19.5cm x 13.5cm)
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Americana, American History
Military & War
NICHOLS, George Ward
Printing Date
19th Century
Book Condition