1874 SLAVE TRADE 1st/1st ISMAILIA Baker Africa Abolitionist Expedition MAPS

BAKER, Sir Samuel W.


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Ismailïa” by Sir Samuel White Baker recounts the ambitious expedition organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, aimed at suppressing the slave trade in Central Africa. Baker’s incredible account details the challenges he faced, including navigating difficult terrain, hostile encounters with slave owners in the Sudan, and overcoming logistical hurdles. This famous expedition highlights the brutality of the slave trade and Baker’s efforts to establish order and promote civilization in the region. Significant events include Baker’s engagements with local tribes, the establishment of forts, and Baker’s strategic military movements to secure the region and eradicate the slave trade.


This first edition of the two-volume set includes 50 full-page engraved plates by Zwecker and Durand in addition to 2 color maps.


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1874 SLAVE TRADE 1st/1st ISMAILIA Baker Africa Abolitionist Expedition MAPS


Ismailïa” by Sir Samuel White Baker recounts the ambitious expedition organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt, aimed at suppressing the slave trade in Central Africa. Baker’s incredible account details the challenges he faced, including navigating difficult terrain, hostile encounters with slave owners in the Sudan, and overcoming logistical hurdles. This famous expedition highlights the brutality of the slave trade and Baker’s efforts to establish order and promote civilization in the region. Significant events include Baker’s engagements with local tribes, the establishment of forts, and Baker’s strategic military movements to secure the region and eradicate the slave trade.


This first edition of the two-volume set includes 50 full-page engraved plates by Zwecker and Durand in addition to 2 color maps.

Item number: #41725

Price: $750


BAKER, Sir Samuel W.


Ismailïa. A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade Organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. With Maps Portraits, and Upwards of Fifty Full-Page Illustrations by Zwecker and Durand. In Two Volumes.


London: MacMillan and Co., 1874. First Edition. First Printing.



  • Collation: Complete; 2 volumes
    • I – viii, 447, 55, [1]
    • II – viii, 588
    • 52 full-page engraved plates
      • Includes two color maps (1 folding)
    • Reference(s): Blackmer 66; Czech, Africa11; Howgego IV, B10
      • Czech: “While most of the narrative involves travel and military adventure, there are several episodes of sport as well. Baker’s troops bagged crocodile and hippopotamus, depicted in several fascinating engravings. South of Regiaf, the author bagged a pair of elephants, and attempted to collect a few more by using both Hale’s rockets and the company’s fieldpiece Later, in Unyoro, he hunted antelope and lion while natives drove the game toward a series of nets.”
    • Language: English
    • Binding: Hardcover; tight and secure
      • Green cloth
    • Size: ~9in X 6.25in (23cm x 16cm)


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Asia, Africa, & Middle Eastern

Voyages & Exploration & Maps


BAKER, Sir Samuel W.

Printing Date

19th Century





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