1883 ROBINSON CRUSOE Life & Adventures Voyages Stothard Illustrated Daniel Defoe
“The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe is a classic tale of resilience, ingenuity, and the human spirit. The story unfolds as the title character, Robinson Crusoe, becomes stranded on a remote island following a catastrophic shipwreck. Through Crusoe’s adventures, readers are immersed in a tale of survival and self-reliance in an uninhabited world. From constructing his own shelter, securing food, and learning to adapt to solitude, Crusoe’s journey becomes an unforgettable exploration of the human will to endure against the odds.
This 1883 John Hogg edition includes numerous illustrations from Thomas Stothard.
1883 ROBINSON CRUSOE Life & Adventures Voyages Stothard Illustrated Daniel Defoe
“The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe is a classic tale of resilience, ingenuity, and the human spirit. The story unfolds as the title character, Robinson Crusoe, becomes stranded on a remote island following a catastrophic shipwreck. Through Crusoe’s adventures, readers are immersed in a tale of survival and self-reliance in an uninhabited world. From constructing his own shelter, securing food, and learning to adapt to solitude, Crusoe’s journey becomes an unforgettable exploration of the human will to endure against the odds.
This 1883 John Hogg edition includes numerous illustrations from Thomas Stothard.
Item number: #26643
Price: $499
DEFOE, Daniel
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
London: John Hogg, 1883.
- Collation: Complete
- xxxv, [1], 510, 23, [1]
- 21 illustrations
- Provenance: Handwritten
- Frederick James Dawson, 1920
- Millar, 1920
- C. Dawson
- Language: English
- Binding: Hardcover; secure
- Decorative green cloth
- Size: ~8.75in X 6in (22cm x 15.5cm)
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DEFOE, Daniel
Printing Date
19th Century
Book Condition